Joy Rice Is Nice Whoyouknow Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues To Hell With Good Intentions Alan Is a Cowboy Killer There Ain't No Fool in Ferguson 1956 and All That Undress for Success That Man Will Not Hang She Will Only Bring You Happiness Without MSG I Am Nothing
Disc Two (b-sides and rarities):
Rock vs. Single Parents Why I Don't Believe in You Balbos Theme Viva Minor Legends Whiteliberalonwhiteliberalaction Murphy Syndrome Provincial Song Here Comes Joe Love Song for a Mexican (second version) Rope! No Covers Beacon for Pissed Ships The Habit That Kicks Itself Exciting Whistle Ah (demo) Random Celebrity Insult Generator (SBN session) Hymn for New Cars Join the Mevolution The Salt Water Solution The All Encompassing Positive The London Whine Company The Gift of Slight Dave, Stop Killing Prostitutes
Disc Three (unreleased):
Love Song for a Mexican Colour March Working From Home Collagen Rock The Difference Between Me and You Is That I'm Not on Fire Reformed Arsonist Seeks Child Bride Be Average to Each other Cradling Bipolar Bears Take Seattle KKKitchens, What Were You Thinking? Lost Consonants Comeuppance Come See Them Smell Them Sign Them Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues (live at ULU) That Man Will Not Hang (live at ULU) 1956 and All That (live at ULU) Falco vs. the Young Canoeist (live at ULU) You Should Be Ashamed, Seamus (live at ULU) Gareth Brown Says (live at ULU) Rice Is Nice (live at ULU) Collagen Rock (live at ULU) To Hell With Good Intentions (live at ULU)
Released: 2006 Label: Too Pure Genre: Noise rock, Alternative rock, Experimental rock
Disco derradeiro da banda póstuma Mclusky. Um agrado em versão tripla para os queridos frequentadores do blog Standard!
1. "The Lord Hates A Coward" 2. "Plague Of Onces" 3. "Fingers Become Thumbs" 4. "Manchasm" 5. "Fuck The Countryside Alliance" 6. "My Gymnastic Past" 7. "Suddenly It's A Folk Song" 8. "Kept By Bees" 9. "Small Bones Small Bodies" 10. "Wrigley Scott" 11. "Real Men Hunt In Packs" 12. "Team:Seed" 13. "adeadenemyalwayssmellsgood" 14. "The Contrarian"
Released: September 24, 2007 Label: Too Pure Genre: Alternative rock
Encontrei essa banda sem querer depois de procurar por alguns discos do Mclusky, já que o vocalista/guitarrista Andy Falkous e o baterista Jack Egglestone faziam parte da banda antes de iniciarem o FOTL. O baixista Kelson Mathias (ex-Jercrew) completa a formação.
A Story in White Released: September 24, 2001 Label: Chemikal Underground/Matador Genre: Alternative rock, Post-rock Download
My Heart Has A Wish That You Would Not Go Released: February 29, 2007 Label: Chemikal Underground/Sonic Unyon Genre: Alternative rock, Post-rock Download
The Invitation Released: September 27, 2004 Label: Mercury Genre: Alternative rock, Piano Rock Download
Contact Released: April 2, 2007 Label: Mercury Genre: Alternative rock, Piano rock Download (pass.: simsim)
Elegi estes dois discos como a trilha sonora oficial do ano para um momento a dois. Faz o teste, chama tua mina pra um bom filme e um bom vinho num sábado a noite, aperta o play no Winamp e depois de levar ela embora anota os fatos. Não esquece de voltar no blog e relatar o resultado. Aposto que ela vai adorar.